My first Video Podcast!

Thank you to Spilling Ink for having me! Tons of fun and lots of laughs. GO WATCH IT HERE.

So hey, what’s this “Talon” thing about?

Long ago, before Underworld, before the blasphemy of Twilight, I started a Vampire novel. It wasn’t really meant to be a novel, but let’s not split hairs. I started writing Talon, which had (and still does) have a much deeper meaning to me than first appearances. I took the Vampire trope and rewrote it to be the way *I* wanted it to be.

Crosses? Ha. Only if properly blessed, so that little trinket you bought at Wal-mart won’t help you. Bibles. Again, only if properly blessed. Garlic? Best served on bread and served with spaghetti. Need an invitation to your house? Hardly. Vamps will walk right on in. Daylight? Yea, it weakens them a bit so they try to limit their time out in it, but explode? Naw. That’s Hollywood bullshit. Stakes through the heart? Hurts but won’t kill. Going to high school and sparkling? Get the fuck out of here.

Vampires aren’t soulless Demons. They also don’t tend to be broody melancholic creatures who would fit in at an emo gathering. They can run the full gambit of emotions, but the blood that gave them immortality has corrupted them. It brings out the worst in each of them. So yes, they tend to be brutal, even sadistic monsters–all the worst of mankind’s emotions walking around with an insatiable thirst. But, under the right circumstances, they can be much more than that. And that’s where I found Nicky.

Nicky is definitely an Alpha-predator. He’s not only been trained to be sadistic and cruel, part of him takes great pleasure in it. He never wanted to be a hero. He never asked to be saved. He knows what he’s done is wrong. He knows a lot of the thing he *continues* to do is wrong. He sees himself as unworthy, already damned, case closed, shut the book, game over, man–game over. I think this is where Nicky and my souls overlap just a little bit.

As a person who has done some bad things in his life (nothing like Nicky mind you), I have felt that “I’m already damned.” feeling. I never asked for redemption. I never felt I was worthy of it, but through chance, or destiny, I ended up on a better road than I was one. Like Nicky, I was given the chance to atone for my sins. Nicky’s story, while brutal, vulgar, full of violence and foul language–in the end this saga is truly about being redeemed and God using the worst of us for good if we’ll just take that chance.

The Talon series, despite being so many things that would turn most Christians off, actually has a strong Christian undertone that comes out over the course of many books. You see Angels, Devils, Demons, Lucifer, and even God himself hiding in plain sight in this series. It’s an action/adventure full of blood, gore, and violence. But there’s also a love story and the question of “How far would you go to protect someone you loved?” I can’t classify this series as any one thing. Is it dark fantasy? Yes. Is it action/adventure? Yes. Is there a touch of paranormal romance in there? Yes. It is blood and gore and violence and beauty and ecstasy and chaos. It’s a beautiful chaos. There’s something for everyone in this series. It’s my great symphony, my Bohemian Rhapsody, my attempt to leave a mark on the world.

So, what is Talon about? It’s about everything and everyone. It’s the Alpha and the Omega. It’s the hope that even washed up, battered, broken and twisted people can find some peace in the world. Now bring on the Demons. Nicky has some ass to kick.

What’s going on? LOTS!

Been a minute since I updated, so forgive me. Let’s do some news reveals!

APRIL SECOND: A release party will be held for Alabama: Nightmares & Urban Legends on Facebook. The party starts at 2pm – 7 pm Central Standard Time. We have some free goodies and e copies in books up for grabs so come spend the day with me. You can find the event HERE.

April 9th: My first book signing! If you happen to be in the Walker County area, come to the Jasper public library between 2-4 pm Central Standard Time. I will have autographed copies of The Rise of UMBRA and Alabama: Nightmares & Urban Legends for sale. I will also have 11 x 17 framed posters of the book covers for sale at $25. UMBRA will be $15, Alabama: Nightmares & Urban Legends will be $20. You can find the library’s facebook page HERE.

July 22: Talon: The Spider’s Web is finally coming out! Everyone’s favorite fanged Alabama resident makes his formal debut. Five Points South, Smith Lake, Homewood–a whole bunch of local places get featured as this Vampire tears a bloody path through the state. You don’t have to be an Alabama resident to enjoy this dark fantasy adventure. Get ready…it’s almost time!

I am openly working on The Rise of UMBRA sequel while waiting on Talon’s edits. I have tons going on. Keep coming back. I promise to be more active.

The Rise of UMBRA: Get it HERE.

Alabama: Nightmares & Urban Legends: Get it HERE FOR KINDLE and HERE IN PAPERBACK.

Burning Willow Press: Find their awesomeness RIGHT HERE.

NEW ANTHOLOGY RELEASE THIS MARCH: Death & Pestilence featuring my story “The Board.” Find it HERE.

Join my mail list, get the Talon prequel FOR FREE

Like free stuff? Like being kept up to date with book releases and crazy facts? Sign up for my mail list HERE and get Talon: The S.S. Trinity for #FREE as a thank you.

Author Spotlight: Brian G. Murray

Hello readers and misfits! We’re back with the oddest author interview segment on the internet! Today’s contestant is Brian G Murray…so come one down! You’re the next contestant on the Price is…wait, that’s not my show. Still, sit your ass down, sir. Let’s talk some books.

Forgotten Hero is currently out on the market, tell the folks ‘cross the internet what it’s about.

Forgotten Hero is an epic heroic fantasy novel with good versus evil.  Our heroes have to try and stop a Darklord from completing a ritual to resurrect his master and plunge the world back into darkness.  But, here’s the thing, one of the heroes is a character called Death and he used to be evil’s champion. As the reader, you need to try and work out who is Death and who’s side is on.  Swords, sorcery, battles, intrigue, mysteries, love, romance, heroes, villains and mayhem – what more do you want?


Want to add this goodie to your reading list? Buy it RIGHT HERE.


The sequel I’ve heard is scheduled to come out June 17. That’s like a month before Vampire novel hits. You tryin’ to steal my thunder? Wanna take this out outside? Meet me outsie, how baw dat? Shudder Ugh, sorry, can’t believe I went there. Ok, seriously, tell us a little about the sequel and why the people need to get on book one so they can enjoy this little gem.

Book 2 – Dark Times follows on exactly where Forgotten Hero ends and continues the story.  I throw our heroes into even more perils, forcing them to travel to the belly of hell itself.  Will they stop the Dark One from returning?  He need Death to do what Death does best and that’s to kill, but will he?  I do not want to say much more and give spoilers, but this book continues to take the reader on an epic ride with so many twists and turns.

Stop strangling, me I will not give any spoilers – Arggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Now, what people might not know is that you are quite the comic book collector. How many books do you have in the collection and what’s the one comic you’d follow Frodo across Mordor to try and get back? Yes, which book is “your precious?”

I have about 15,000 comics, loads of statutes and graphic novels.  My precious, well, it had been X-Men issue 1 from 1963, but I have that now.  But being a completest, I collect all variants for the Uncanny X-Men series, and the bane of my life and my new Precious is Uncanny X-Men 510 partial sketch cover – that bugger is selling for several thousand dollars per copy – kidney or comic!?!?!??!


You know, that’s mighty pretty. I can see why he likes it.


Okay, let’s piss off the fanboys: Marvel or DC and why?

Marvel all the way – I was brought up on the X-Men and Spider-Man so will always be a Marvel fanboy.  Many of my friends at the time read DC, Batman and Superman, but I never got into them.  Oh, and confession time – I do read a little DC, some Batman occasionally.


I know you’re a huge X-men fan. Which of the movies made you fanboy and which could you have done without?

I was a fanboy long before the movies so I still hold the first X-Men movie in high regard. At the time we criticized the idea of Jackman being Wolverine – ‘He’s too fucking tall’, but give the actor kudos, he made the character his own – BUT he is STILL TOO FUCKING TALL!!!!!!


“Say it to my fucking face, bub.” Hmm, appears Wolverine may not approve…


Jean Gray: Cyclops or Wolverine? Who’s her true love?

I am an old romantic, and though Wolverine is my favourite character, it has to be Jean Grey and Cyclops – I mean the covers to Uncanny X-Men 136 and 137 says it all. Oh and to be pedantic – it’s Grey not Gray – don’t shoot me – I am a geek!



I don’t know. She seems to be digging on his Weapon-X right here…


Who’s your favorite comic book character of all time?

My favourite comic book hero is Wolverine, the best at what he does, and fuck Marvel for killing him off.


One of the true greats has fallen…


Okay, who was more annoying in the beginning: Jubilee or Kitty Pryde?

I would say Jubilee as a reader I went through all the young girl getting powers with Kitty Pryde, so going through it a second time irked. 


Annoying young girl getting powers A or B? YOU make the call.


What’s your all-time favorite comic book story arc? Which story arc can you just not stand and don’t understand why people love it?

Favourite all time comic book story arc, there are a few and some non-X-Men related ones, but if I have to pick one it’s – Days of Future Past – when I first read that story I was blown away.  Story I cannot stand has to be Batman – The Dark Knight Returns, I did not like it when I first read it and still do not like it – and yes I have tried reading it on numerous occasions but now given up. And before you ask, yes I do own the original first printings and the signed hardcover graphic novel – why . . . they are a must have. 



Do you agree or disagree on these picks, people?


Do you think it hurts comic books that the reader knows people never stay dead? I mean, how many heroes of they killed off just to bring back later? Isn’t it almost a cheap ploy just to get sales?

Too right – if a character is dead then they are dead – but the issues is that Marvel for example has so many fucking continuities, it was getting hard to remember in which one the character is dead or alive.  At the moment Wolverine is dead, but for how long – opps he came back as Old Man Logan.  The bigger issue for me – oh prepare for the rant – is the number of re-starts, i.e. number 1’s and then the number of fucking variants they have for each issues.  Collecting modern comics, as a completest is getting more and more expensive. . . Breathe, I need to remember to breathe – bastards! I have stopped buying new issues because of this – but that’s a whole new level of me ranting!!


Okay, I’m going to say some comic book character names. You tell me what comes to mind immediately.



Leader – true X-Men


Best at what he does

Iron Man?

Pussy in a metal suit




Class act


Give me patience


Last comic book question, how fucking awesome was the Deadpool movie?

I have to say I am NOT a fan of Deadpool – I am collecting all Mutant related comic book titles so Deadpool falls within that bracket, but the movie. . . fuck yeah, I have not laughed so much in years.  They finally found a role Ryan Reynolds can play without fucking it up – looking forward to the second movie.


Last question of the interview: if you could spend the day with Stan Lee, what would you talk to him about?

I would talk to him about the early days of Marvel, with the legends of the comic world, Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko, how they created the characters and how they developed the stories.  I would also like to know what character did not make the cut and why – he must have so many character that did not make it to print – that would be fascinating. 


Want more Brian Murray? Find him below:

Website –

Facebook –

Amazon page –

Publisher –


Crossroads in the Dark 2: Urban Legends

Like Urban Legends? This book will give you MORE THAN ENOUGH bang for your buck! I promise you that.

But it here.



More Talon Sequel Goodness. “The bond between two Demons.”

Remember the first day we went to the book shop and met Esmerelda?”

Well, yea. Of course I do. Why?”

Esmerelda knew something about your powers. She knows where they come from.”

Sadie playfully slapped me on the arm. “And you didn’t tell me? The fuck, Nicky?”

Sadie, calm down. This isn’t easy to say and it probably won’t be easy to hear. Those black and blue flames of yours…it’s Hell-fire.”

Hell-fire?” she shrieked. “Why in the Fuck would I be able to summon Hell-fire?”

I paused. I didn’t want to say it, but her eyes pleaded for an answer. “Esmerelda said that means…”

I couldn’t spit the words out. So Sadie forced my hand. “Say it, Nicky! Say it!”

This means that you must be part Demon.” There. I said it, and I regretted it immediately.

Sadie hopped out of her chair. She was obviously upset and shaking. “Bullshit!” she screamed. “I am not part Demon! That’s impossible!”

I stepped towards her, wanting to comfort her, but she backed away. “Sadie…”

Don’t ‘Sadie’ me!” She fell down on her knees and started crying. “It’s not true…it can’t be.”

You said you never knew who your father was. The powers, the flames, it all makes sense of you think about it, baby.”

She screamed, “It doesn’t make sense! Nothing makes sense!” She looked up at me and her eyes were rolled over and glowing black again.

I took a step backwards. “Sadie, baby…”

What?” she hollered angrily.

Your eyes…they’re black.”

What?” she said in a softer tone. She stood up and stepped in front of the mirror on the wall. She took one look at herself and she slouched down and withered up into almost nothing. “Oh my God.” she whispered.

The same thing happened right before you kicked ass and took names at Marcus’ old office.”

She turned to me, with tears pouring down her cheeks. “This is what I looked like?”

I carefully nodded my head, afraid to upset her any more. “Yes. This is what your eyes looked like.”

She fell to her knees again and cried even harder. “I’m hideous! I’m a Demon! Why me, Nicky? Why did this have to happen to me?”

I knelt beside her and carefully lifted her chin so she was looking at me. “I’m a Demon, too. And you still love me don’t you?”

Sadie wiped her eyes and turned away. “Don’t ask such silly questions!”

I turned her head back until our eyes met. “You still love me don’t you?”

She placed her hand on top of mine. “Now and always.”

I caressed her tear-stained cheek. “And that is the same way I love you. I don’t care about what you are. I care about who you are. I don’t know where life is taking us, but it’s taking us there together.”

We sat there in the floor for hours without saying a word. We just clutched to each other, unsure of what to say. Maybe we didn’t have to say anything. The force holding us together was stronger than any words we could have spoken.

Another Talon Sequel Excerpt with a little tip of the hat to Stephen King.

I struggled against the chains that bound me, but still had no luck. Fucking silver. I bloody hate that damned metal. I was still half-drugged from whatever Ricky had jammed into my neck, so I had to concentrate hard to think or talk. “S…Sadie, are you okay?”

She still sat there on one knee. I could hear her panting heavily. Every time her powers manifested, they took the world out of her, but at least she was still conscious, which was an improvement from her previous experiences. She looked over her shoulder at me, she was drenched in sweat, but she was smiling. “I’m okay, baby. Did you see what I did?”

Although I was in terrible pain, I chuckled. “You mean the part where you went all ‘Carrie on a bad prom date’ on the room? Yea, kind of hard to miss. Baby, not to be demanding here, but could you please get these chains off of me? I’m starting to feel a wee bit nauseous.”

A Little Peak at Talon book 2, “Russian Roulette”

Faust shook his head. “It’s not that easy, Nicky. You’re missing out on the point. There are consequences to what you do. If you return, history will repeat itself. Sadie, Taz, Jonesy…all of them, they’re all going to die—just like your family, Kascha, me. It’s a curse Nicky. If you decide to live, you’re going to literally watch everything you love burn.”

Faust snapped his fingers and we were suddenly in the middle of Five Points South. All the buildings were decimated. Smoldering fires filled the air with a thick black smoke and it was raining ashes from the sky. There were abandoned, burned out vehicles everywhere. It looked like World War 3 had broken out there.

What the deuce is all of this?”

Faust very smugly took a seat on a park bench which had survived the destruction and replied, “It’s your future, Nicky. If you stick around, this is what you’re going to cause, along with the deaths of all your friends. Is this really what you want? Do you want to watch the world to burn?”

I heard the clip-clop of hooves against the pavement. I looked to the west and I saw a horse-drawn carriage approaching me. The coachman wore all black and his hood couldn’t hide the fact that his face was a skull. Even the four horses pulling the carriage were something other-worldly. Their eyes burned red, they exhaled a thick black smoke, and fire danced around their hooves. Behind the carriage was a funeral procession made up of two rows of followers. They wore all black and they had their faces painted up like skulls. It reminded me of what I had seen in Mexico City during the Day of the Dead.

The carriage stopped right in front of me and I turned to Faust. “What the Hell is all of this?”

Faust tapped his cane twice against the ground and the members of the funeral procession opened up the back of the carriage. They removed and then sat a casket right at my feet.

Why it’s your funeral, Nicky! They’ve come to pay their respects to the man you used to be. This future, this nightmare, it all ends if you’ll just…” Faust cracked the lid to the coffin. “…get inside.”

Talon: The Cocaine Cowboys (WIP) excerpt

I lifted him up by the arm and then throttled him by the throat. “Do you know who I am, Marty?”

He spit in my face and muttered something in Spanish. I wiped my face and howled, “Wrong answer, asshole!”

I tossed him on the bed, popped my fangs, and pounced on the bed. I got nose to nose with Marty and relished the feeling as the fear overwhelmed his eyes. “Wh-what the fuck are you?”

I snickered. “Jehovah’s Witness. I was wondering if you had a moment to talk about our personal Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.”

“What?” he asked, utterly confused.

I rolled my eyes and thought, My God, does no one get sarcasm in this fucking country?

